Friday, May 23, 2008

Biserica CANAAN Halchiu/ CANAAN Church of Halchiu

Scurt istoric al Bisericii Canaan:
Biserica Canaan Halchiu a fost inceputa in anul 1999 de catre Nick Martonosi, un misionar american si de catre Ovidiu si Carmen Starlici un cuplu tanar de romani.
Din anul 2000 biserica este pastorita de Ovidiu si Carmen Starlici.
Biserica a inceput cu un grup mic de 4 oameni fosti crestini penticostali. Cand noi am inceput biserica nu era nici o biserica protestanta in sat si acest lucru inca nu sa schimbat, noi suntem singura biserica protestanta din Halchiu.
In acelasi an, 1999 lucrarea cu copii a inceput pe strazile satului si nu dupa mult timp a aparut nevoia de a cauta o cladire unde sa ne mutam pentru a continua lucrarea.
Lucrarea sa mutat intr-o cladire care este folosita si astazi pentru inchinare.
Cladirea pe care biserica o inchiriaza este un fost bar si a avea o biserica in acel loc este o mare victorie pentru Evanghelie.
Biserica este formata in majoritate de familii de tigani.

Short historical of the Canaan Church:
The Canaan Church of Halchiu was founded in the year of 1999, by Nick Martonosi, an American missionary and by Ovidiu and Carmen Starlici a young Romanian married couple.
Since 2000, the church is pastorate by Ovidiu and Carmen Starlici.
The church was started with a small group of 4 people who were Pentecostal Christians. When was started this church it was not another protestant church in the village of Halchiu and this thing didn’t change now either, because we are still the only protestant church!
In the same year, 1999, we started a big children street ministry and after a short period of time, we had the need of a building, so we start looking for a place so we can continue this ministry.
We started this ministry in a small building that we are still using even today for church, for praising and worshiping God!
The building that we are renting for church it was a bar before and now, to have a church in that place is a big victory for the Gospel!
The people from the church are major Gipsy families.

Ovidiu si Carmen Starlici:
Ovidiu are 33 de ani si Carmen 31 de ani, ei s-au casatorit in Mai 2001.
Ei au impreuna 3 copii, Lorena in varsta de 9 ani, Andrei in varsta de 4 ani si Raul in varsta de 5 luni.
Ovidiu a absolvit Seminarul Teologic Unit in Brasov in Iulie 2001.
Momentan locuiesc in Brasov, aproximativ 16 km departare de Halchiu si ei calatoresc de 5-6 ori pe saptamana pentru a participa la programele bisericii.

Ovidiu and Carmen Starlici:
Ovidiu is 33 years old and his wife Carmen is 31 years old! They’ve got married in May 2001.They have three beautiful children, Lorena-Andreea who is 9 years old, Andrei who is 4 years old and Raul who is 5 months old.
Ovidiu graduated The United Theological Seminary in Brasov in July 2001.
In present, they live in Brasov, approximately 16 km from the village of Halchiu and they travel 5 or 6 times per week to attend the church programs.

Scurta viziune a Bisericii Canaan:
Viziunea noastra pentru aceasta lucrare cu ajutoril lui Dumnezeu este:

Ø Construirea unei cladiri pentru biserica noastra.

Ø Continuarea lucrarii cu tiganii si deschiderea a inca doua biserici in inca doua sate in care nu exista nici o biserica protestanta. Ultimele statistici arata ca Romania are 9.638 de sate fara o biserica evanghelica iar in aceste sate traiesc aproximativ 5.800.000 de oameni care au nevoie de Dumnezeu si Evanghelie.

Ø Continuarea lucrarii de pregatire a barbatilor din biserica pentru a putea sa mearga afara sa faca lucrarea lui Dumnezeu.

Ø Sustinerea din punct de vedere financiar a unei alte lucrari de misiune.

Ø Amenajarea unor camere speciale in noua cladire pentru tineri si pentru copii in care ei sa poata invata limba engleza si calculatoare.

Ø Implicarea tinerilor in lucrarea de evanghelizare.

Ø Cantina pentru saraci.

Ø Sa continuam distribuirea de alimente pentru copii din familiile sarace si sa gasim mai multi sponsori pentru acest program.

Short vision of Canaan Church:

Our vision with the help of God for this ministry is:

Ø We would like to build a place for our church.

Ø We want to continue the ministry with the Gypsies and we want to open two more churches in two different villages where they are not any protestant churches. The last statistics show that Romania has 9.638 villages without an evangelical church and that in these villages live approximately 5.800.000 people who need God and the Gospel in their lives.

Ø We want to continue the preparation with the men from our church, so they can go outside and work in God’s land.

Ø We would like to sustain financially another missionary work.

Ø We want to arrange special rooms in the new building for young people and for youth, where they can come and learn English and learn about computers.

Ø We want to involve as much as possible the youth in the evangelizing ministry!

Ø We would like to have a canteen for the poor people, so they can come and have a nice hot meal.

Ø We want to continue the feeding program that we have, and find more sponsors for the children that are part of this program.

Publicat: Ovidiu Starlici

Pastor Biserica Canaan Halchiu